Welcome to

    Rosebud Cafe Coffee Day

    Rosebud Cafe Coffee Day

    Delivery: 11:00am - 11:15pm

    Open today: 11:00am - 11:00pm

    Sorry we are not accepting online orders right now, please call us on 03 5902 6057 to place your order.
    Burger Deal
    Free Drink Deal
    Chicken Deal
    Burger Fries Deal
    Click the Download button to get a copy of our menu
    Grab a copy of our menu here.

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    About Us


    About us

    From the moment those aromatic beans are ground to perfection and hot water meets them, the world comes alive with the rich, inviting scent of freshly brewed coffee

    A symphony of flavors and textures, a well-crafted burger is a work of art that satisfies not just your appetite but also your soul.

    It's the meal that kickstarts your morning, fuels your body, and sets the tone for the day ahead. A symphony of flavors and possibilities, breakfast is a celebration of morning rituals and the promise of a fresh start.